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Laetitia Sadier - Un Soir, Un Chien

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Laetitia Sadier

The Garrison
Fri, 15 Mar, 8:00 pm
From FreeThe price you'll pay. No surprises later.

Top track

Laetitia Sadier - Un Soir, Un Chien


Over the course of her career, spanning three-plus decades, Lætitia Sadier has never shied away from the hard topics, or stopped advocating for the possibility of self determination and emancipation in the face of the powers that be, conscious or unconscio...

This is an 19+ event
Presented by Collective Concerts.
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  • This event is rescheduled or cancelled


Lætitia Sadier


The Garrison

1197 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario M6J 1X3, Canada
Doors open8:00 pm

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