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Optic Sink (Memphis), Guiding Light, Borzoi, Wet Dip

Hotel Vegas
Fri, 10 May, 9:00 pm
From FreeThe price you'll pay. No surprises later.


OPTIC SINK is the post-punk project from Natalie Hoffmann (NOTS), Ben Bauermeister (Magic Kids) and Keith Cooper (Jack Oblivian & The Sheiks.) Their debut album was released on Goner Records in 2020, and their second album ‘Glass Blocks’ (recorded at the h...

This is a 21+ event
Presented by Hotel Vegas.
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  • This event is rescheduled or cancelled


Wet Dip, Borzoi, Optic Sink and 1 more


Hotel Vegas

1502 E 6th St, Austin, TX 78702, USA
Doors open9:00 pm

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