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Underground Music Venue - Cafe

Venue in Minneapolis

All events

Assorted Portions, Gates of Dawn + MoreSun, Feb 16
Underground Music Venue - CafeMinneapolis
The Wonderlands w/John Forrest &The Model CitizensWed, Feb 26
Underground Music Venue - CafeMinneapolis
The F* All, The Broken Rule, The StaboteursThu, Feb 27
Underground Music Venue - CafeMinneapolis
Hope Hook, Pelicant, Solana and the SunsetsFri, Feb 28
Underground Music Venue - CafeMinneapolis
Fragged Out, Cavernous Maw, In Solid Air, + moreWed, Mar 5
Underground Music Venue - CafeMinneapolis
Bad Weather, Stone Ark, & PolivonThu, Mar 6
Underground Music Venue - CafeMinneapolis
Embers Rise, Abbadon's End, Sons of BlissFri, Mar 7
Underground Music Venue - CafeMinneapolis
Tae & the Neighborly (WI)Wed, Mar 12
Underground Music Venue - CafeMinneapolis
Pullstring, Motherwind, Scorched Waves, Dark SunThu, Mar 13
Underground Music Venue - CafeMinneapolis
Lake Drive, Callback, LasalleFri, Mar 28
Underground Music Venue - CafeMinneapolis
Once More, Autumn / Green, / OceanographerThu, Apr 3
Underground Music Venue - CafeMinneapolis
Source with special guests The VaultFri, Apr 4
Underground Music Venue - CafeMinneapolis
Underground Music Venue - CafeMinneapolis
Austin Giorgio - Chronicles Of The Darkest HourSun, Apr 13
Underground Music Venue - CafeMinneapolis
Kerosene Heights,The Casper Fight Club,Tiny VoicesWed, Apr 16
Underground Music Venue - CafeMinneapolis
River City Rejects & FriendsFri, Apr 25
Underground Music Venue - CafeMinneapolis
The GOLD DINARWed, Jul 2
Underground Music Venue - CafeMinneapolis
Jed Harrelson LiveFri, Sep 5
Underground Music Venue - CafeMinneapolis


Underground Music Cafe is the perfect location for any and all events. Located right between the Twins Stadium and all your favorite restaurants in North Loop, guaranteed a great and unique experience while you’re here.

408 3rd Ave N, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401, United States