DICE protects fans and artists from resellers. Tickets will be securely stored in the app.
Alavedra són la navalla suïssa del pop: una multitud d'eines/cançons que no saps molt bé per a què utilitzar, però al final alguna d'elles et treurà d'un embolic en algun moment. Portes molt de temps amb ells a la butxaca fins que de sobte escoltes un tema...
Discover the best nights out in your city, with tailored recommendations synced to your music library.
Keep track of what’s coming up by saving events, sharing them with friends, or even listening to new music in the app.
We’ve made it easy to swap your ticket with a friend, or get a refund to a sold-out show. No stress.
DICE protects fans and artists from resellers. Tickets will be securely stored in the app.